Lunch Flow -IN STUDIO (Space limited)

January 11 (Friday)
at 12:15 pm

Class length
60 minutes

We will be practicing indoors at our studio and can accommodate 6 people plus an instructor based on our space and social distancing of at least 6 feet apart. There will be designated spots on the floor to place your mat. No props will be provided so students will bring in their own (mat, blocks, blanket etc). Masks be will required upon entering and leaving, and will be optional during class. Cubbies will not be used for personal items so please minimize what you bring with you. Same for instructors. Instructors won't be making physical adjustments or walking around. 

Pre-Registration is required to secure your spot.  CANCELLATION POLICY IS 12 hours! Due to limited participants, there will be a no show penalty. There will be no money exchanged - all is done online.  Each class will open 15 minutes prior to a class. There will be no sign in at the desk (no punchcards to sign). After class you may gather in the parking lot with your friends to socialize.

Once registered, you will receive a liability form that is required upon practicing.


Sorry - that class has already taken place!